Happy Spring

Ah Spring!  Spring comes just at that moment when Winter starts to feel overwhelming.  When we’re tired of bitter cold mornings and daylight fading before we even get off from work, a warm breeze full of sunshine rushes in to ensure us sunny days are on their way!

Humans are typically so caught up in their daily routines that we sometimes fail to honor and cherish each season and the purpose that it brings.  As the winter season sheds away all of our excess and allows us the opportunity to bring our focus back to the basics, Spring comes in and offers us new growth.  Ecologically speaking, as an animal species on this planet, we’re meant to be in tune with the phases of the seasons.  Our sleep and energy cycles correlate with the seasonal changes.  Our diets are meant to revolve around the variety of food that each season has to offer.  When we draw our focus and energy to be in rhythm with these cycles, life just seems to flow so much more easily.

Most of our clients come to us needing help with mood or behavioral related concerns.  They feel out of sync with their bodies and minds.  Though there are no simple fixes to many of the deeper issues we each face throughout different periods of our lives, the best place to start is often on the basics.  We can’t focus on relieving stress, coping with anxiety, or begin to make complex changes in one’s life if you’re not sleeping well or if you’re not getting enough food to nourish your body each day.

Some of the first recommendations I make with my clients are very simple changes that have a very large return.  First off, making sure you get plenty of sleep.  Secondly, getting outside for at least fifteen minutes a day.  Breathing in fresh air and getting vitamin D directly has instant positive increases in one’s mood.  Spending time in nature, getting fifteen minutes of movement in your body by walking, gardening, playing with your dog; all of these small tasks provide a big bang for your buck.

Most people tackle changes more monumentally.  We feel we must go to the gym and workout, we must go on some hiking excursion.  Change is best done in small, incremental steps.  It is easier and less stressful for us as well as more likely to be sustainable for the long haul.

Spring is one of the best times to start to think about implementing some of these small and basic, but largely impactful tools to start to work towards a better mind, body, and soul.  Literally taking the time to stop and smell the roses or the tulips right now, will come with a large dose of joy you can use as a building block towards finding that connection back to being in sync with yourself.

For more help in rediscovering yourself and learning the tools to do so, contact us to see how we can help!  In the meantime, Happy Spring!